Wednesday 22 April 2009

rescue dogs, are they a gamble?

My first blog is about the subject of rescue dogs and the need to select carefully.

When I speak with people about rescue dogs they can often get a little bit funny about the subject, some people are totally against the idea of purchasing a rescue dog as you "don't know anything about their history" others are quite keen on the idea of giving a dog another chance and cannot bear the thought of an animal being put down, while sometimes cost also comes into play, god knows some breeds can be very expensive.....

I personally will only have a rescue dog and have always done so , my husband and I have always taken on older animals that are very unlikely to get another home and probably do not have to much longer to live, it costs a fortune but every time my heart rules my head :)

my advice for anyone that is considering a rescue dog is not to go to the rescue home until you have decided which breed to purchase, otherwise you will be like a kid in a sweetshop and come out with something that looks cute but probably has the devil in it. Have a good think about your personal circumstances, how much time can you dedicate to the animal? do you have enough room? do you have understanding neighbours :)

Take a good look at the breeds history especially its temperament, some breeds are in the rescue home for the reason that the owners just cannot cope with the dog and have been forced to give it up. Others are there because they are lost strays and others because their owners have passed away, there are lots of reasons but never let this cloud your decision over which animal to choose.

Be patient with the animal, it will be in a new environment and it will take time to get used to you and its surroundings, it will all be new and very frightening so the animal so give constant reassurance to then, gaining their trust may take time.

Lastly, be generous!! you would be amazing how much it costs to look after these animals so when you do eventually re home an animal dig deep in your pocket and donate what you can, trust me it all helps!


Battersea dogs home. Do an amazing job under pressure.

Luxury Dog Beds. If you feel the need to spoil them!!!